We are all birthed from Water. Ecosystems and human communities evolve around Water. As humanity rebirths itself at this critical juncture in human history, we align with Nature to honor, protect and restore the one Water body that nourishes all of Life.
How do we, as humanity, evolve to align with the principles of Life and co-create an oppression-free and vitalizing world for all?
The proposal for a World Water Law and World Water Year 2021 are citizen-led initiatives that offer a unifying and holistic framework for rapid and radical whole-system healing. These initiatives are based on the understanding that when we collectively prioritize the healing of our planetary waters and water cycle, we will activate an exponential healing process that will benefit all of Life simultaneously.
~ a thriving world where all humans and animals have guaranteed access to natural uncontaminated Water.
~ what humanity would need to learn and how we would need to organize to make this possible.
~ the healing shift in consciousness, culture and behavior that would be catalyzed by this collective commitment to prioritizing healthy water for all.
~ the vast impact across all sectors when we focus our human creativity and resources on this one common objective.
We, citizens of Earth, call for and commit to working together to ensure that a binding international law is put in place for the immediate and universal protection of all Water, as the first vital step towards global cooperation for effective, worldwide social and ecological healing.
The World Water Law requires:
the uncompromising protection and restoration of all natural water sources, watersheds, aquifers, rivers, lakes, wetlands, estuaries and oceans
the rewilding of ecosystems, necessary for the restoration of the planetary water-cycle
the guaranteed, free access of all humans and animals to natural, uncontaminated Water
The World Water Law holds all governments, corporations, communities, and individuals, fully accountable for their impact on all waters everywhere.
This one Law serves as a unifying foundation for all governments and citizens to work together with community-led wisdom and stewardship councils in ways that effectively serve the health and vitality of the whole.
This global initiative honors the many Water Guardians around the world who have dedicated their lives to the protection and reverence of Water on behalf of all of Life.
World Water Year 2021
World Water Year 2021 is a call-to-action for citizens of all nations, cultures and ages to unite for Life and to collectively transform how we organize ourselves as a species. The core purpose of World Water Year 2021 is to create an extended period of time for individuals and groups to unite and collaborate for the global adoption and implementation of the World Water Law.
By dedicating an entire year to a single unifying cause that essentially benefits all humanity and all Life, World Water Year 2021 provides a substantial time frame for building momentum and implementing the foundations for lasting change.
This bold and timely initiative is based on the understanding that the essential wisdom, skills, and creativity for making the World Water Law a global reality, already exist.
In almost every country there are numerous inspiring and impactful initiatives spanning all areas related to Water healing, restoration and management. As we coordinate globally and locally we will be able to amplify our efforts exponentially. The global community will be able to share findings, learnings, initiatives and resources ~ identifying, replicating, and scaling what works best.
World Water Year 2021 will be inaugurated on January 1st, 2021 at the start of the global healing event 7 Days of Rest & Radical Healing.
7 Days of Rest & Radical Healing 2021
7 Days of Rest & Radical Healing, Jan 1 – 7, 2021 is the fourth annual global event for the healing and replenishment of the planet and all its inhabitants.
The upcoming event will launch World Water Year 2021, as we come together from around the world to share our healing prayers, wisdom and practices and seed the New Year with the intention and commitment to support rapid and radical healing and a thriving world for all of Life.
These complementary initiatives create a timely opportunity for citizens to reclaim our authority and responsibility as healthy stewards for a healthy planetary ecosystem, and ensure a safe and thriving world for all species and for the entire Web of Life.
The World Water Law and World Water Year 2021 are the first global initiatives of Codes for a Healthy Earth – a unifying framework for citizen-led, exponential social and ecological healing.
For more information and to join the diverse initiatives please visit:
Publisher’s Note: The World Water Community is delighted to share with you the invitation for a Global EquinoxCeremony for the protection and honoring of all Water, that will take place on September 22nd 2021!
The Ceremony is a part of the global citizen-led movement for the worldwide adoption and implementation of a World Water Law as a catalyst for exponential planetary healing.
Around the world we will gather in circles of love to activate a global commitment to the immediate and uncompromising protection and honoring of all Water everywhere. Together we renew our sacred bonds with all Life.
For details on how to participate please go to their website.
Shelley Ostroff Bio:
Shelley Ostroff (PhD) is a planetary activist, leadership consultant, social architect, mystic and writer. She is the founder of www.togetherincreation.org, www.7days-of-rest.org, www.codes.earth and other initiatives dedicated to the healing and replenishment of the planet and all its inhabitants. Concerned by the suffering and devastation humans cause each other, other species and the planet, she dedicated herself to exploring whole-system systems dynamics and integrative healing wisdom from diverse disciplines and traditions. She has worked with people from all walks of life, from different sectors of society and across continents as a therapist, consultant, mentor, and creative partner in cultivating individual, collective and whole-system wellness. Through ongoing research and practice, she has developed a unique holistic approach to human and whole-system healing and transformation that includes evolving blueprints for a new form of holistic health-oriented global Eco-Governance.
For over 20 years Yan Golding has been researching and engaging in the fields of conscious personal and cultural evolution. In 2003 he co-founded an ecovillage in South Africa where he lived and worked for 8 years. Yan has taught permaculture and ecovillage design, and has initiated a transition town in Portugal. He is passionate about discovering and cataloging regenerative and systemic solutions and innovations. Since 2010 Yan has devoted himself to supporting the global transformation movements towards unity and transdisciplinary collaboration. He has co-initiated and co-stewarded United Earth, Synergy Hub, Global Solutions Day and A Solutions Revolution. He is currently co-stewarding Together in Creation, Codes for a Healthy Earth, 7 Days of Rest and diverse related initiatives.