LUV4ALL: Mother Earth Warns! Wake Up Your COMPASSION
Cece, a rescued pig. All living beings deserve to be loved and to live free.
Until we, the human collective, fully awaken–from within our hearts–to acknowledge the Absolute Truth that we are One with ALL Life, ONLY then can we ensure the survival of Mother Earth and her Universal Family.
To evolve to the inner consciousness of ONENESS means living with the full understanding that ALL Life is sacred and must be treated that way.
ONLY then can we bring our normalized violence–which separates and targets any being, human or nonhuman, deemed “NOT LIKE US” and therefore, “LESS THAN US–to an end.
ONLY then can sustainable social change take place–in our outer world–to ensure that institutionally oppressed INDIVIDUAL lives matter. To transform systematic racism, sexism, heterosexism, speciesism, transphobia, etc., we, the human collective, must now awaken within us a new COMPASSION for ALL that will reflect an inclusive culture, honouring the interconnectedness of life.
“The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world.” Paul Farmer
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. ” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
ONLY Compassion for ALL Beings can create a culture of Peace on Earth.
Compassion means, literally, “to suffer with.” The State of Being Compassionate involves allowing oneself to be moved by suffering, so that we experience the motivation to help alleviate and prevent it.
Compassion can ONLY be manifested by daily NONVIOLENT choices and actions. And that includes standing up against ALL Injustice.
In Dr. Will Tuttle’s book, The World Peace Diet, he reveals the invisible attitudes we ingest at every meal by the relentless and routine killing of animals for food. Our inherent wisdom and compassion, he says, is brutally suppressed as our culture’s mentality of violence and disconnectedness is injected into our meal rituals of animal-derived food.
If we, the human collective, continue to live much of our daily lives by rote behaviour passed down through the ages, from parent to child, disconnected from our True Nature as we separate ourselves from the diversity of Life–which includes other human and nonhuman animals alike–and abandoning Mother Earth herself, our compartmentalized existence will NEVER sustain a world worth living in for ALL.
Until we choose to awaken our hearts to the INTENTION of Compassion for ALL who share our Home, with daily NONVIOLENT actions aligned to that conviction, ONLY then will our chaotic, violent culture slowly begin to change our current realty,
. Therefore, Veganism must be the necessary FIRST step to deprogram ourselves from centuries of archaic human conditioning that has indoctrinated us to believe in, and fully accept, the Paradigm of OPPRESSION in our culture.
“A revolution of the heart,” says Gary L. Francione, is required. “What I mean by that is that we must reject all ideologies of domination and power, whether religious or secular, that allow us to transform sentient beings—human or nonhuman—into the ‘other,’ thereby allowing us to ignore their moral value and to treat them as things. We must embrace nonviolence as a basic normative principle—a principle that we see as reflecting a moral truth.”
And YOU and YOU and YOU across the globe, no matter the body you live in, no matter the skin color, the age, the race, the nation, the culture, the economic class, no matter the sexual orientation, the gender, the physical or mental disability, the spiritual or religious belief. And no matter the species. For here is the diverse beauty of our interconnectedness.
LUV4All: is LOVE, UNITY, VOICE for All Beings on Mother Earth.
Love means: A Universal Love for ALL human and ALL nonhuman animals, which includes self-love.
Universal Love realizes that there is no separation between You and Me. Which includes ALL sentient beings, human and nonhuman animals alike.
Universal Love does NOT subjugate, enslave, suppress, tyrannize, oppress, dominate, exploit, or persecute another.
Universal Love does NOT include ownership of another, that is, no one group, or individual, has the right to possess, use, give away, or destroy their perceived “property”.
Universal Love sees ALL human and ALL nonhuman animals as being no less significant or important than anyone else in this world, which includes love for oneself. It is the path toward freedom for ALL.
Unity means: ALL human and ALL nonhuman animals united as One Universal Family and interconnected. To coexist in Peace, it is necessary to challenge the privileged placement of ANY one group.
Voice means: ALL human and ALL nonhuman animals have an equal Voice for Justice, which CANNOT be silenced by ANY one group, but given just recognition.
Therefore, we will listen to our INNER VOICE, our moral compass, with our hearts opened wide to hear its Truth, that there is beauty and wisdom in ALL creation, and ALL creation has the inherent right to express their divine uniqueness within a life of Freedom, Equality, Safety, Joy, and Peace.
Veganism: Is the necessary FIRST step on our evolution to a more conscious culture. For it is our daily NONVIOLENT choices and actions that will begin our journey toward a new Paradigm of ANTI-OPPRESSION, that is inclusive of ALL sentient Beings.
We, the human collective, must finally heed Mother Earth’s warnings as our urgent call to wake up our Compassion. ONLY then will we be able to “Do Justice”, as we confront evil toward oppressed individual members of her Universal Family, care for the vulnerable, and MAKE RIGHT that which is wrong.
Now let’s listen to Tracy Chapman as she sings New Beginning and tells us “The whole world’s broke and it ain’t worth fixing. Let’s resolve to start all over make a new beginning.”
I grew up in Montreal but have lived in British Columbia, Canada, for a long time. I became a Vegetarian, then a Vegan, passionate about all animals. My lovely grown kids and grandchildren, including the furry ones, are vegan.
I’ve finally come out as a visually impaired person. I don’t define myself that way, although I’ll admit it can be challenging. It is somewhat ironic that I’m a Publisher/Editor/Writer but I’m able to live BIG on the computer. I’ve written novels, screenplays, articles and short stories. I launched Thrive In Life E-Magazine in 2010 that featured stories of transformation, inspiration, hope and courage, and reached 136 countries. Following that, I created and hosted a live global radio show, “Sexy Vegan” on Party 934, supporting and encouraging a vegan lifestyle with independent music.
After living the veggie lifestyle for over fifty years on behalf of the suffering, innocent nonhuman animals who have been waiting for centuries for humans to evolve–and yes, there’s also that matter of saving our health, the environment, and the very life of our planet–I’m truly grateful that this vegan miracle is now manifesting across the globe.
JOIN THE EVOLUTION and send your LUV4All into the Universe. Please subscribe to be part of LUV4All: Mother Earth Warns! Wake Up Your Compassion. A show of strength in numbers across the globe can change our World.
See Vegan Outreach“Go Vegan”, where you can Join 10 Weeks to Vegan (available in a few languages), Get a Vegan Mentor, Get Nutrition Tips for new Vegans, Get Tips for Students, and more.
January 12th, 2021 @ 5:43 pm
Racine is a one-woman wonder. Her dedication to animals, the planet, and clean living is so admirable. She’s a goddess!
January 15th, 2021 @ 4:11 am
Your words are so moving and inspiring. Thank you Racine <3
January 24th, 2021 @ 11:15 am
I love you, Racine. Knowing you in this lifetime has been one of God’s biggest and most generous gifts to me. Rock on my friend <3