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Beating the Genetic Odds
By Ellen Jaffe Jones

Ellen Jaffe Jones (The Veg Coach) is a best-selling vegan cookbook and health and fitness author, as well as a sought-after speaker at vegfests, foodfests, health fairs, book festivals and many other venues. She has published 6 books with the oldest and largest vegan publisher in the US, and is currently working on a 7th. She is legendary in engaging her audiences and conducting her Q and A while holding a plank contest. Her record was 10 minutes at the Tampa Vegfest. She is a certified personal trainer and has coached high school girls cross country and track.

Ellen was a 2-time Emmy-winning TV investigative reporter for 18 years, while she watched her mom, aunt and both sisters get breast cancer. Her family became part of the original BRCA1 and BRCA2 breast cancer gene studies. Figuring out how to beat her genes and continue remaining the only adult female in her family without cancer became the investigative reporting job of her life. At the age of 28, she almost died of a colon blockage and saved herself from a hysterectomy by going on a vegan diet.  (Watch her powerful Video below on how “your family genes don’t determine your destiny.”)

As someone who hated running in grade school and beyond, she started running in her twenties to try and keep a lifelong obesity problem under control. In her fifties, she found that at races, many meat-eaters were developing arthritis and women who used to beat her were no longer racing. As of May 2018, she has placed in 136 5K or longer races since 2006 “just” on plants. She has competed and placed nationally in multiple events in the National Senior Games. She is currently ranked 3rd in the USW65-69 4×100 meters, 5th in the 800 meters and 7th in the 1500 and 400 meters. She’s done 2 marathons and 12 half marathons since 2011, something most sprinters with her speed don’t ever do.

Ellen was voted PETA’s 2014 Sexiest Vegan Over 50 and was also included in a list of “Women Who Stand Up for Animals Daily.”

She often gets pegged 20 years younger than she is with her audiences demanding to know her secrets. BadAss Vegan chose her as one of their first profiles. Born of 2 chain-smoking parents, she had a near death experience at birth weighing 3 pounds with heart and lung issues. Crossing a race finish line is truly a miracle.

Ellen has been a “Star McDougaller” for years and was interviewed when she appeared as a guest chef at Dr. McDougall’s Advanced Study Weekend.

The popular blog, Vegan Street, recently chose her as their “Vegan Rock Star.”

She lives with Rustie the Rescue who was found by the local Humane Society wandering the streets of Bradenton, Florida on New Year’s Eve 2017.

Services that Ellen Jaffe Jones, The Veg Coach, provides are:
SpeakingVegan Lifestyle Coaching and Personal Training/Coaching 

Her books are:

She wrote Eat Vegan on $4 a Day, after seeing too many news stories saying eating healthfully was impossible on a budget.

She combined all of her skill sets with her  Vegan Fitness for Mortals. Recognizing that fitness and diet are two sides of the same coin, Ellen developed routines for a variety of activities along with dietary recommendations that augment fitness—a winning combination designed to help anyone achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Her other titles include Kitchen Divided which was written for vegans who are sharing a kitchen with an omnivore and Paleo Vegan (co-authored with Alan Roettinger). Ellen researched different versions of paleo diets on the market and was able to combine the essence of paleo diets with vegan principles in a 100% vegan cookbook.

Her most recent books are “Vegan for One: Hot Tips and Inspired Recipes for Cooking Solo“and  “Vegan Sex: Vegans Do It Better”

For more detailed descriptions of all her wonderful books click here and scroll down the page.

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