Interview with Her Royal Highness Princess Maja von Hohenzollern 20th of September 2018
By Her Royal Highness Princess Maja of Hohenzollern
Her Royal Highness Princess Maja of Hohenzollern is today the internationally best-known member of the Royal Family of Hohenzollern. The house of Hohenzollern/ Prussia is one of the oldest and most important noble families in Europe and represented the former Emperor of Germany. She is a distinguished High Profile Member of the European Aristocracy. For her engagement in numerous international charities, especially animal welfare, she was honoured with several international medals such as the “World Shining Heroine Award” (USA), the “European Animal Welfare” award, and the “Czar Peter the Great” and “Patronage of the Century,” the highest decoration by the Russian Government. She is a patron of several projects for animal welfare, and education for children. She travelled to Thailand to provide food and other urgently needed supplies for orphans of the Tsunami victims.
A compassionate leader for a better world, Princess Maja is a vegan and dedicated animal welfare activist who is seen by others on the streets of European cities, rescuing dogs and cats and rabbits and other animals, but they are unaware of her identity. The rescue and protection of stray animals is particularly important to her, as she has already stated before the EU parliament in Brussels. She’s an ambassador for PETA and is involved in various campaigns for the rights and respectful treatment of all animals, and has personally adopted more than 100 rescue animals.
Princess Maja, who now lives in Spain, is also an internationally renowned designer of interior and lifestyle products with her brand, “Prinzessin Maja von Hohenzollern”, that includes vegan carpets, fashion, pet-accessories for dogs, cats, and rodents, children’s toys, and currently vegan bathroom furniture.
Her collections are well established in 80 countries on the international market, and she received the “Asia Design Award Gold in 2015 as best designer in Shanghai/China. She speaks German, English, Spanish, Russian, and Latin fluently, excels at tennis and golf, and is a professional inline skater. Along with her many other accomplishments, she also created her own Audiobook, “Fairy Tales for the little Prince and Princess,” and toured Germany, reciting for children.
Today, in LUV4All, I am honoured to introduce you to this extraordinary and influential woman.
RACINE: Not many members of royalty become a vegan or an activist as you have. Do you believe your childhood had an effect on the person you became in later life?
PRINCESS MAJA: I was raised by my parents with love for animals and I grew up with animals. That was certainly the cornerstone of my love for animals and why it is important to me to treat them with respect. Animals are sentient beings who have been in the world long before us. We have pushed ourselves into their habitats, which we are now systematically destroying. We should treat all living beings, humans and animals, with empathy and respect. Because who does not love animals does not love people either.
RACINE: You do so much for animals. I’ve watched videos of you speaking out for the suffering dogs and cats that you rescue, amongst others, and I’ve heard the deep emotion in your voice. The work is endless, isn’t it, for those who fight for all animals’ right to live without human violence and exploitation. How do you motivate yourself to keep on doing this painful and challenging work?
PRINCESS MAJA: It’s true, it’s not always easy to bear what you experience in animal welfare. There are pictures and fates of animals, who someone mistreated so heavily that I will surely never forget again. I rescued in the many years of my animal protection work animals, who one ignited alive, who one cut out the eyes or the ears. What some people do to animals is simply incomprehensible. As cruel as it is to see something like that, it is of no use to the animals if you only cry about it. We can only help the animals by raising our voices for them and acting actively. We must save animals, create better animal protection laws and above all educate future generations with empathy and respect for animals, because this is the best form of animal protection. That is why, together with my Romanian animal welfare friends in Romania, we were the first country in the world to introduce animal welfare education as a compulsory subject in all schools. The educational program is called “Eduxanima” and is also supported by PETA Kids and I hope that it will be adopted by many other countries. Animals need our voice, because without us they have no voice.
RACINE: You have written that: “Veganism is not just a dietary trend but a fundamental attitude towards life, which is characterized by respect and responsibility towards humans, animals and the environment.” How did you become awakened to the truth of our interconnectedness and oneness with all other animals on this planet? And are you hopeful that one day we humans as a species will be able to live in Peace and Universal Love with all sentient beings, human and nonhuman alike?
PRINCESS MAJA: I know the connections between food, world famine and pollution. To produce 1 kg of meat, you need about 20,000 litres of water, 16 kg of grain and you cause as much CO2 emissions as a 250 km trip on the motorway. If you were to give these resources of water and grain directly to people instead of wasting it on mass livestock farming and meat production, you could feed so many people that there would be no more famine in the world. If only the amount of world grain that has been fed to animals so far would be fed to humans, about 3 billion more people could be fed mathematically. The rearing of animals in animal factories is cruel and an ecological catastrophe. About 72 % of the Amazon’s rain forest has been destroyed for pastures for industrial farming and not because of fabrics!
Every year about 64 billion animals are cruelly murdered to land on a plate. There are not as many fatalities in any war as there are among animals, not even if all the wars in history were added together. I would like to behave responsibly towards animals, people and nature. That’s what our future generations also deserve, that’s why I live vegan.
RACINE: Today, you share with us the launch of your vegan bathroom furniture. What can you tell us about this latest design of yours? And what do you have in mind next as you continue to treat our eyes, and beautify our world, with cruelty-free creations that come from your imagination and your heart?
PRINCESS MAJA: I have designed a vegan carpet collection consisting of 9 different design lines. Among them are great black and white trends, a spiritual line with mandala motifs and yoga carpets, and of course there is also a charming line for kids.
Royal Bath Maja von Hohenzollern Diamond Line
Royal Bath Maja von Hohenzollern Diamond Line
I just presented my new bathroom furniture´s “ROYAL BATH”- Collection. The affine design “ROYAL BATH Collection” by Princess Maja von Hohenzollern consists of the series “Diamond” line and “Urban Loft” line. It is addressed to people who value modern and stylish design furniture, equipped with the most modern comforts. The modern soft-touch mirrors with the perfect selfie light also show that this collection meets the time spirit! The “ROYAL BATH” Collection is a real highlight in the bathroom and the small, personal luxury that everyone should treat themselves in order to maintain their style. “Diamond Line” is a truly classy design line! It combines geometric rhombus patterns with retro “hairpin feet”. The design is modern, light and warm. The haptics of the diamonds are elegant on the matt surface. The golden handles set royal accents. “Urban-Loft” combines a puristic, royal design reminiscent of the cool lifestyle in lofts found in modern cities. The fronts with chrome decor accents are an authentic loft element. Glass surfaces in contrast to frosted silver furniture feet offer an exciting style. A special highlight are the original metal crest handles. They take on the stringent design and give the bathroom a subtle royal touch. High-quality extracts with soft-close technology as well as surface mirrors with emotion lighting lend the bathroom series luxury. The black and white design of both bathroom collections combines classic elegance with the modern zeitgeist of tomorrow. The ROYAL BATH Collection by Princess Maja von Hohenzollern is available from specialized retailers under the successful puris / b • collection brand.
Royal Bath Maja von Hohenzollern Urban Loft Line
Royal Bath Maja von Hohenzollern Urban Loft Line
Royal Bath Maja von Hohenzollern Urban Loft Line
RACINE: Thank you so much, Princess Maja.
PRINCESS MAJA: You are most welcome!
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