The Interfaith Vegan Coalition Shines a Light on Ahimsa* and Veganism at the Parliament of World Religions
By Judy Carman
Publisher’s Note: The term Ahimsa is an important spiritual doctrine shared by Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. It literally means ‘non-injury’ and ‘non-killing’. It implies the total avoidance of harming of any kind of living creatures not only by deeds, but also by words and in thoughts.
Thanks to the hard work and donations of many people, In Defense of Animals’ Interfaith Vegan Coalition, co-founded by Lisa Levinson and myself had a well-received presence at the Parliament of World Religions. The theme of the Parliament was “The power of love and the promise of inclusion.” Eight thousand people from around the world attended this historic event. Plenaries, talks, and panels went on all day and into the evenings from November 1 to the 7th in Toronto, Canada. We felt it was essential for the animals and the vegan message to be represented there and to reach as many people as we could.
We reached out and spoke out for a Vegan World in six ways: The Interfaith Vegan Coalition (IVC), Good Dot, and Vegan World 2026 booth; networking with attendees; a vegan banquet for the Charter for Compassion; several vegan talks and panels; two showings of the Thomas Jackson’s new film, “A Prayer for Compassion”; and a traveling art exhibit entitled “Animals and World Religions,” curated by Dr. Lisa Kemmerer.
The Booth: IVC shared a 20 x 20 foot booth with Abhishek Sinha and Deepak Parihar, co-founders of Good Dot (; with Dr. Sailesh Rao’s Climate Healers’ Vegan World 2026; and with Dr. Lisa Kemmerer’s brand new traveling museum exhibit, “Animals and World Religions.” Good Dot offered samples of their plant-based meats to their visitors on one side of the booth. Good Dot’s mission is “to bring high quality, affordable plant-based meat substitutes all over the world. We want to save lives, both human and animal, by providing tasty, healthy and environment friendly alternatives to meat.”
On the other side of the booth, IVC displayed our Vegan Advocacy Kits for various religions (accessible online at and shared handouts from coalition members such as Vegan Spirituality, Circle of Compassion, Vegetarian Friends, and Christian Vegetarian Association. We also had recipes from Madeleine Tuttle and others, several books and prayer flags to sell, invitations to the film screenings of “A Prayer for Compassion,” etc. Along each side of the booth, Lisa Kemmerer’s “Animals and World Religions” panels were displayed. Sailesh Rao’s Climate Healers’ Vegan World 2026 banner and science-based poster brought attention to the urgency we are facing. By the year 2026, if we do nothing to change the current trajectory of extinction, all wild vertebrates will become extinct. We must create a vegan world soon in order to eliminate animal agriculture, the leading cause of extinction and so many other world crises. The dialogues with visitors to the booth went on steadily throughout each day. We were so encouraged by the many vegans who visited as well as those who were not vegan, but who were very open and interested in the spiritual, environmental, health, and animal connections.
The Interfaith Vegan Coalition side of the booth. The panels on the sides
are the Animals and World Religions traveling art exhibit.
.The Good Dot display on the other side of the booth. Delicious samples
were offered to booth visitors. People loved them all.
Lots of interest, many great discussions, new hope for the animals.
Networking: Some of the religions represented at the Parliament indicated a definite leaning toward veganism as part of their spiritual work. Among them were the Tzu Chi Buddhists (, Aumism (; and Caodaism. Zoroastrians are asked to be vegetarian one month out of each year; The Sufi Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship recommends vegetarianism. The Urantia Foundation members are approximately half vegetarian or vegan. Many in the Share International group ( are veg, and they serve vegetarian food at events. The founder of World Clergy is vegan. We met several animal ministers. Of course, many of the Jains, Hindus, and Sikhs were veg or vegan. At the Hindu American Foundation ( one third of the meals served are vegan. The Brahma Kumaris group includes a growing minority of vegans. The Ontario Sikhs and the Sikh Gurdwara Council served a free vegan lunch (although the desserts were not vegan) to thousands of people every day. The people in the world who have aligned veganism with their spiritual values is increasing exponentially. It was very encouraging.
The loving, generous Sikhs serving thousands of people vegan lunches every day.
The Charter for Compassion Vegan Banquet: The organizers of this banquet for 300 people were very open to IVC’s suggestion to make the banquet vegan. Good Dot provided much of the food, and Chef Sandra Sellani, The 40 Year Old Vegan cookbook author, supplied the recipes and helped the chefs with preparation. The end result was truly delicious. The Banquet took place on November 2 and featured awards, speakers, and music. Although we were not able to offer a meal blessing orally, we were given permission to write a vegan meal blessing. This was printed on beautiful cards and placed at each attendee’s place setting. Abhishek was also given the opportunity to speak about the Good Dot food and why the vegan meal was in perfect alignment with the high aspirations of compassion. IVC plans to follow up with the Charter, as well as its partner, the Golden Rule Project, to create more vegan meals at their future events.
This is the Vegan Meal Blessing that was placed at each person’s place setting at the Charter for Compassion Banquet. Click here to enlarge. Many seeds of lovingkindness for animals were planted at the Banquet and all through the week. May they bear beautiful fruit and bring a final end to the killing, domination, ownership, and exploitation of our animal cousins.
Vegan Talks and Panels: Dr. Lisa Kemmerer, author of Animals and World Religions, gave a talk on “Integrated Justice,” showing how nonviolence to animals is critical to justice for all. She also was on the ”Justice for Just Us?” panel, along with Candace Laughinghouse, Charlotte Cressey, and Dr. Alka Arora. Rabbi David Rosen also gave a talk on veganism, as did Dr. Neal Barnard of Physicians’ Committee for Responsible Medicine. There may have been more vegan talks of which we were not aware, as there were many hundreds of talks and panels. At the closing plenary, Swami Chidanand Saraswati stated that he believed the next Parliament should be totally vegan.
Two Showings of Thomas Jackson’s new film, “A Prayer for Compassion”: Dr. Sailesh Rao, producer of the film, hosted two showings during the Parliament, bringing more vegan enlightenment to all attendees. Thomas interviewed many spiritual leaders who are vegan to show how veganism is in perfect alignment with one’s highest spiritual ideals. Please go here to see the trailer and share it.
The traveling art exhibit entitled “Animals and World Religions,” curated by Dr. Lisa Kemmerer and Carolyn Mullin: Each beautiful panel represented various world religions and included statements made by some of their leaders that align the values of those faiths to veganism. Contact Carolyn Mullin at to display this traveling exhibit at your local organization, University, or place of worship. The exhibit will have an online component soon.
Veganism: The”Golden Rule” in Action
Our world is in a spiritual, moral, and physical crisis. The hope for humanity and for all life on earth is simply this: Human beings have to wake up very soon and stop dominating and destroying the planet and the lives of all the others who live here under our thumbs. It is time to choose to love, cherish, and heal all whom we have harmed and all we have destroyed. We are talking about a massive spiritual awakening. Why do we say “spiritual?” Isn’t this a simple logical understanding. It’s in everyone’s face—we are nearing annihilation caused by our own actions and inactions. But no—that is not enough. Logic alone will not get us there. Clearly. There is plenty of scientific evidence, news reports backed up with facts, overwhelming data to show us every day what new reef has died, how many whales have beached and died from sonar testing and ingesting plastic, how many acres of rainforest have been cut down for the cattle industry. The facts are there. Our egos know. But it is in our hearts and souls that the passion and love to stop the violence resides. The cries of the animals, all nature, and our own spirits are calling us to bring healing now and reverse the damage we have done.
We know now that the best healing for an individual is holistic. It needs to address the physical, mental and spiritual life of the suffering one. Without the body, mind, and spirit being nourished and cared for, the healing will not be complete. This is just as true for the healing of the world which we must undertake as a species. When we engage in healing at the level of spirit, we enter the mystical realm. There we find ourselves nurtured and strengthened by the Divine Love that animates and breathes life into all beings. Passion and faith begin to do their work in us so that we enter into partnership with the Divine and discover what is ours to do in this healing and transformative work.
Our true nature, in a word is love. We are meant to be creatures who love and care for creation. Some say we had to go through a self-centered, fearful period of development that led to all of our violent ways. Perhaps so. But that time is past. We cannot remain there any longer and hope to survive as a species. This is our big chance to become the nonviolent, compassionate, peaceful creatures we are destined to be. Nearly all religions promote The Golden Rule in one form or another. We have been told to “Do unto others as you would have others do unto You.” But we have never fully understood it until now. The “others” in this rule includes all life, all sacred creation.
Veganism is the Golden Rule in perfect action. It is the pinnacle of living a life of nonviolence, caring for all others, and having reverence and compassion for all life. The vegan life is life giving, not life taking. When we become ethically vegan, we come home to our spiritual and heart essence at last.
Judy Carman’s latest book is Homo Ahimsa: Who We Really Are and How We’re Going to Save the World is in print and Kindle
These are troubled times. Everything we do now matters. But our dreams of peace on earth are closer than they have ever been. Right now we are immersed in the sixth extinction, environmental destruction, pandemics, corruption and relentless violence against animals, nature, and people. These ecological, spiritual and social justice crises were not caused by alligators or bears or dogs. It was Homo Sapiens alone.
We are being called to save the world from our old selves. It is time, and yes, there is still time. Governments and mega-corporations cannot stop the madness, because they are not powered by love. But we are, and we can. We have a chance right now to discover and Be who we Really are–Homo Ahimsa, the kind, nonviolent creatures that we were always meant to be. Ahimsa, in Sanskrit, literally means non-harm. More broadly, it means non-killing, lovingkindness, and reverence for all life.
We are, within our true hearts, compassionate and loving partners with each other and all life. While the world’s life support systems are in free-fall, we are heading for a massive paradigm shift in human consciousness that can bring us out of these dark times and into a new way of living that works for all. This time of chaos, uncertainty and fear is our window of opportunity. Together we can cocreate the loving and liberated world of peace and partnership with all life and end domination and violence. We can start today to heal the damage Homo Sapiens has done. May this book, Homo Ahimsa, be your companion guide on this important, exciting and sacred journey.
Judy Carman Bio:
Judy co-founded, with Will and Madeleine Tuttle, the Worldwide Prayer Circle for Animals. You can register your name if you would like to be part of this worldwide prayer circle and sign up to receive daily inspirations from Will and weekly prayers from Judy. The Prayer Circle also hosts a Facebook page where people can share concerns about their own animals as well as local and global animal issues. Judy also assists Vegan Spirituality with events and In Defense of Animals with their Sustainable Activism Council and the Interfaith Vegan Coalition. She is the 2014 winner of the Henry Spira Grassroots Animal Activist Award and founder of the Animal Prayer Flag Project which can be found on her Peace to All Beings blog.
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