LUV4ALL: Mother Earth Warns! Wake Up Your COMPASSION
Cece, a rescued pig. All living beings deserve to be loved and to live free.
Until we, the human collective, fully awaken–from within our hearts–to acknowledge the Absolute Truth that we are One with ALL Life, ONLY then can we ensure the survival of Mother Earth and her Universal Family.
To evolve to the inner consciousness of ONENESS means living with the full understanding that ALL Life is sacred and must be treated that way.
ONLY then can we bring our normalized violence–which separates and targets any being, human or nonhuman, deemed “NOT LIKE US” and therefore, “LESS THAN US–to an end.
ONLY then can sustainable social change take place–in our outer world–to ensure that institutionally oppressed INDIVIDUAL lives matter. To transform systematic racism, sexism, heterosexism, speciesism, transphobia, etc., we, the human collective, must now awaken within us a new COMPASSION for ALL that will reflect an inclusive culture, honouring the interconnectedness of life. Read more
I have a riddle for you. What do Abraham Lincoln, Charles Darwin, Mark Twain, Leonardo da Vinci, Gandhi, Rosa Parks, Coretta Scott King–and many other free thinkers from our history, her story now forgotten, such as Anna Kingsford, Margaret Damer Dawson–all have in common?
They were all vegan/vegetarians!
With the Union of Concerned Scientists now urgently letting us know that the future for all life on Earth depends on human beings finding a way to stop destroying and live in harmony with all life, few subjects address so directly the heart of our challenge as that of veganism. For veganism is more than a diet; it is an ethic by which to live.
Vegans aim to do the least harm possible by not eating or wearing animals and not supporting companies that exploit them in laboratories, entertainment, factory farms, and the leather, fur, silk, and many other industries. This attitude of kindness extends to human beings as well and does not support sweatshops and the many other forms of human exploitation. Astrology, Native and other religious prophecies, and many futurists say that we are being given an unprecedented opportunity to evolve as a species to become a peaceful, nurturing, creative presence on the planet. Veganism, as an ideal, encompasses all creation with its awareness of the interconnected and Oneness of all. Read more
Publisher’s Note: The term Ahimsa is an important spiritual doctrine shared by Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. It literally means ‘non-injury’ and ‘non-killing’. It implies the total avoidance of harming of any kind of living creatures not only by deeds, but also by words and in thoughts.
Thanks to the hard work and donations of many people, In Defense of Animals’ Interfaith Vegan Coalition, co-founded by Lisa Levinson and myself had a well-received presence at the Parliament of World Religions. The theme of the Parliament was “The power of love and the promise of inclusion.” Eight thousand people from around the world attended this historic event. Plenaries, talks, and panels went on all day and into the evenings from November 1 to the 7th in Toronto, Canada. We felt it was essential for the animals and the vegan message to be represented there and to reach as many people as we could. Read more
I have a riddle for you. What do Abraham Lincoln, Charles Darwin, Mark Twain, Leonardo da Vinci, Gandhi, Rosa Parks, Coretta Scott King–and many other free thinkers from our history, her story now forgotten, such as Anna Kingsford, Margaret Damer Dawson–all have in common?
They were all vegan/vegetarians!
With the Union of Concerned Scientists now urgently letting us know that the future for all life on Earth depends on human beings finding a way to stop destroying and live in harmony with all life, few subjects address so directly the heart of our challenge as that of veganism. For veganism is more than a diet; it is an ethic by which to live.
Vegans aim to do the least harm possible by not eating or wearing animals and not supporting companies that exploit them in laboratories, entertainment, factory farms, and the leather, fur, silk, and many other industries. This attitude of kindness extends to human beings as well and does not support sweatshops and the many other forms of human exploitation. Astrology, Native and other religious prophecies, and many futurists say that we are being given an unprecedented opportunity to evolve as a species to become a peaceful, nurturing, creative presence on the planet. Veganism, as an ideal, encompasses all creation with its awareness of the interconnected and Oneness of all. Read more
LUV4ALL: Mother Earth Warns! Wake Up Your COMPASSION
Cece, a rescued pig. All living beings deserve to be loved and to live free.
Until we, the human collective, fully awaken–from within our hearts–to acknowledge the Absolute Truth that we are One with ALL Life, ONLY then can we ensure the survival of Mother Earth and her Universal Family.
To evolve to the inner consciousness of ONENESS means living with the full understanding that ALL Life is sacred and must be treated that way.
ONLY then can we bring our normalized violence–which separates and targets any being, human or nonhuman, deemed “NOT LIKE US” and therefore, “LESS THAN US–to an end.
ONLY then can sustainable social change take place–in our outer world–to ensure that institutionally oppressed INDIVIDUAL lives matter. To transform systematic racism, sexism, heterosexism, speciesism, transphobia, etc., we, the human collective, must now awaken within us a new COMPASSION for ALL that will reflect an inclusive culture, honouring the interconnectedness of life. Read more
I have a riddle for you. What do Abraham Lincoln, Charles Darwin, Mark Twain, Leonardo da Vinci, Gandhi, Rosa Parks, Coretta Scott King–and many other free thinkers from our history, her story now forgotten, such as Anna Kingsford, Margaret Damer Dawson–all have in common?
They were all vegan/vegetarians!
With the Union of Concerned Scientists now urgently letting us know that the future for all life on Earth depends on human beings finding a way to stop destroying and live in harmony with all life, few subjects address so directly the heart of our challenge as that of veganism. For veganism is more than a diet; it is an ethic by which to live.
Vegans aim to do the least harm possible by not eating or wearing animals and not supporting companies that exploit them in laboratories, entertainment, factory farms, and the leather, fur, silk, and many other industries. This attitude of kindness extends to human beings as well and does not support sweatshops and the many other forms of human exploitation. Astrology, Native and other religious prophecies, and many futurists say that we are being given an unprecedented opportunity to evolve as a species to become a peaceful, nurturing, creative presence on the planet. Veganism, as an ideal, encompasses all creation with its awareness of the interconnected and Oneness of all. Read more
The vegan ideal embodies the highest of spiritual and ethical aspirations – non-violence, harmlessness, reverence for life, and the cultivation of compassion toward the innocent. It is cause for celebration that we are blessed with the ability to bring such noble qualities down to earth by simply eliminating from our lives the products and practices that require the exploitation of other beings.
And yet, even in a time when, more than ever, the world needs us to put these basic human values into practice, this powerful ethical stand continues to be marginalized by society. The example that is set by the increasing number of individuals who embrace these principles is too often vehemently opposed, trivialized, or simply ignored. But the effects of this paradigm shift in perception are far-reaching, and the rewards of making such a change are beyond measure. Read more
What lies at the intersection of spiritual health and ethical choices? How can diet speak to our beliefs and our holistic health? What are the connections between spirituality and a sense of community? These are questions the growing vegan spirituality movement seeks to answer.
Promoting compassionate living, spiritual vegans align themselves with the broad themes of universal peace and love. As the name suggests, vegan spirituality focuses on the spiritual implications of a vegan lifestyle – the connections between heart, body, and mind that manifest in vegan living and a respect and compassion for all life.
Activists approach this movement in a number of different ways. From yoga and meditative practice to public speaking to avid discussions, spiritual vegans are seeking new ways to form and cultivate community. Read more
Photo by Sole Mare Images. Rishikesh, in the Indian state of Uttarakhand, is a holy city on the Ganges, and is made up of a cluster of smaller areas: Ram Jhula, Laxman Jhula, Tapovan, Laxman Mandir, and Swarg Ashram (the “main drag”). Although famous for its yoga, meditation, and spirituality, the area around Rishikesh is also a popular site for hiking, trekking, and whitewater rafting the Himalayas. It is also an all-veg city, meaning that it is a vegan paradise!
How to get there – domestic airlines fly to Dehradun from major Indian cities like Mumbai and Delhi, or you can take the train to Hardiwar. Taxis are available for the ride to Rishikesh, which takes about 45 minutes to an hour.
What to expect – India is an intense sensory experience – its sights, sounds, smells, and tastes are truly unique. Rishikesh is an oasis on the banks of India’s most sacred river, the Ganges, known as “Mother Ganga,” the giver of life. Many Indians vacation in Rishikesh, and it is the site of year-round religious pilgrimages. Read more
Hear Julieanna Hever--The Famous Plant-Based Dietitian talk about getting healthier this year.
Sunday’s Vegan Song, “Preachy Vegan Song,” by Vegan Smythe. “Preachy Vegan Song” was reviewed on the wonderful website called Our Hen House. It’s a non-profit organization: Change the World For Animals.
Have a look at and enjoy. The “Audible Kitchen” New Year’s Kourabiedes (Almond Shortbread Crescents).