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Publisher’s Mission(Issue 3)
By Racine Hiet

LUV4ALL: Mother Earth Warns! Wake Up Your COMPASSION

Cece, a rescued pig. All living beings deserve to be loved and to live free.

Until we, the human collective, fully awaken–from within our hearts–to acknowledge the Absolute Truth that we are One with ALL Life, ONLY then can we ensure the survival of Mother Earth and her Universal Family.

To evolve to the inner consciousness of ONENESS means living with the full understanding that ALL Life is sacred and must be treated that way.

ONLY then can we bring our normalized violence–which separates and targets any being, human or nonhuman, deemed “NOT LIKE US” and therefore, “LESS THAN US–to an end.

ONLY then can sustainable social change take place–in our outer world–to ensure that institutionally oppressed INDIVIDUAL lives matter. To transform systematic racism, sexism, heterosexism, speciesism, transphobia, etc., we, the human collective, must now awaken within us a new COMPASSION for ALL that will reflect an inclusive culture, honouring the interconnectedness of life. Read more

COMMENTS (3) | animal consiousness, Climate Change, Issue 3, racism, Sprituality

COVID-19: Our Banquet of Consequences
By Dr. Will Tuttle

The spinning fury at the core of our culture, animal agriculture, not only exploits and destroys the lives and purposes of animals, it does the same to humans as well, and we see this playing out now with this draconian lockdown of healthy people, eroding mental health, human rights, and economic independence, and destroying countless small and medium businesses (including vegan ones).

In my lectures over the years, I’ve described animal agriculture as a Trojan horse: on the surface it appears to be a helpful gift, but on closer examination, and with deeper understanding, we see clearly that it is an utterly harmful force in our individual and collective lives, incessantly damaging the health of our ecosystems and society, as well as our physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being. Read more

COMMENTS (2) | animal consiousness, health, Issue 3, racism

A Pioneer of Animal Advocacy & Trailblazer in Womxn’s Rights
By Jessica Scott-Reid

Writer Carol J. Adams at her desk. USA, 2015.

​From her study near Dallas, Texas, tucked within stacks of notes, files, and various translated editions of her books, author and activist, Carol J. Adams, talks of a time when her work was not so well-received. Between faint barks from rescue-dogs Inky and Holly, Adams speaks of how her now-famous book, The Sexual Politics of Meat, was widely ignored upon first publication, and how “80% of the reviews were negative,” she says. “I mean really, feminist vegetarian theory,” she jokes, “what does that mean?” Of course Adams, and much of the rest of the world, couldn’t know then just how much her work would come to mean, in both the womxn’s and animal rights movements.
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COMMENT (0) | animal consiousness, Issue 3, racism

Until the Lions Have Their Own Historians: The Objectification of Black and Animal Bodies in Hunting
By Christopher Sebastian

Last month, it was written that Donald Trump Jr. went abroad to western Mongolia to, in the words of Matt Stieb for New York Magazine, “combine two of his favorite things: benefiting from his father’s presidency and killing endangered animals for pleasure.”

A ProPublica report said Trump Jr. went on a hunting trip to shoot an argali—a giant sheep with curved horns up to six feet in length—and received a retroactive permit once coming in from the field.

The story reminded me of a quote from King Leopold’s Ghost: a Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa by Adam Hochschild. It’s a remarkable historical text. It follows in part the exploits of explorer Henry Morton Stanley. The quoted account was from one of his officers

It was most interesting, lying in the bush watching the natives quietly at their day’s work. Some women…were making banana flour by pounding up dried bananas. Men we could see building huts and engaged in other work, boys and girls running about, singing…I opened up the game by shooting one chap through the chest. He fell like a stone…Immediately a volley was poured through the village.

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COMMENT (0) | animal consiousness, Issue 3, racism, sustainability

Environmental Racism: How Black and Brown Communities are Disproportionally Affected
By Food Empowerment Project

Environmental Racism

While pollution is almost everywhere, certain communities are burdened with a disproportionate number of facilities that fill the air, soil, and water with contaminates. Typically found in black and brown communities and low-income communities, industrial polluters such as landfills, trash incinerators, coal plants, and toxic waste dumps affect the well-being of residents. Their health is also often compromised due to a lack of access to healthy foods in their neighborhoods. Those who work on environmental justice issues refer to these inequities as environmental racism.

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COMMENT (0) | animal consiousness, Climate Change, environment, food, Issue 3, racism

Publisher’s Mission (Issue 2)
By Racine Hiet

LUV4ALL: Mother Earth Warns! Wake Up Your COMPASSION

Cece, a rescued pig. All living beings deserve to be loved and to live free.

Until we, the human collective, fully awaken–from within our hearts–to acknowledge the Absolute Truth that we are One with ALL Life, ONLY then can we ensure the survival of Mother Earth and her Universal Family.

To evolve to the inner consciousness of ONENESS means living with the full understanding that ALL Life is sacred and must be treated that way.

ONLY then can we bring our normalized violence–which separates and targets any being, human or nonhuman, deemed “NOT LIKE US” and therefore, “LESS THAN US–to an end.

ONLY then can sustainable social change take place–in our outer world–to ensure that institutionally oppressed INDIVIDUAL lives matter. To transform systematic racism, sexism, heterosexism, speciesism, transphobia, etc., we, the human collective, must now awaken within us a new COMPASSION for ALL that will reflect an inclusive culture, honouring the interconnectedness of life. Read more

COMMENT (0) | animal consiousness, health, Issue 2, racism

Publisher’s Mission (Issue 1)
By Racine Hiet

LUV4ALL: Mother Earth Warns! Wake Up Your COMPASSION 

Cece, a rescued pig. All living beings deserve to be loved and to live free.

Until we, the human collective, fully awaken–from within our hearts–to acknowledge the Absolute Truth that we are One with ALL Life, ONLY then can we ensure the survival of Mother Earth and her Universal Family.

To evolve to the inner consciousness of ONENESS means living with the full understanding that ALL Life is sacred and must be treated that way.

ONLY then can we bring our normalized violence–which separates and targets any being, human or nonhuman, deemed “NOT LIKE US” and therefore, “LESS THAN US–to an end.

ONLY then can sustainable social change take place–in our outer world–to ensure that institutionally oppressed INDIVIDUAL lives matter. To transform systematic racism, sexism, heterosexism, speciesism, transphobia, etc., we, the human collective, must now awaken within us a new COMPASSION for ALL that will reflect an inclusive culture, honouring the interconnectedness of life. Read more

COMMENT (0) | animal consiousness, Issue 1, racism, Sprituality

Sistah Vegans – The Satya Interview with Dr. Amie Breeze Harper
By Sangamithra Iyer

What’s it like being a black female vegan in this country? What’s the source of reproductive health ailments among African American women? How can veganism resist institutional racism? These are some of the questions Dr. Amie Breeze Harper, a graduate student at Harvard, was seeking answers to when she sent out a call for submissions from black identified female vegans for her Sistah Vegan anthology project. The resulting book, Sistah Vegan! Black Women, Food, Health, and Society, was published in 2007 and is comprised of a collection of critical essays, narratives and poems from female vegans of the African Diaspora.

Harper is also looking at how black female vegans use cyberspace for health activism and create virtual communities of like-minded people. She started a Sistah Vegan Yahoo! discussion group where members discuss a wide variety of issues. Experienced Sistah Vegans mentor newbies on how to organize to get access to healthy foods in their communities, and they trade secrets on which plant-based foods shrink uterine fibroids and ease menstrual discomfort. The women also discuss body type issues. What does it mean to be a full-sized black female vegan in a culture that associates veganism with thinness and whiteness, or a thin Sistah Vegan in an African American community that embraces full figured women? Read more

COMMENT (1) | health, Issue 1, racism

Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day with “Sexy Vegan” Radio
By Racine Hiet


Listen to a Vegan poem, a tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. via word and music.

Featured musicians: ‘We Shall Overcome’ performed by Mahalia Jackson ‘I Have a Dream’ performed by Solomon Burke ‘Why? (The King of Love is Dead)’ performed by Nina Simone

Hear Plant-Based expert Julieanna Heaver talk on the health benefits of a plant-based diet.

Hear Frank Hoffman, a retired pastor, talk on how compassion for animals and Religion should go hand in hand. 

A vegan song, “Vegan Delight” by Benjamin Zephaniah

The Audible Kitchen – Easy Red Beans & Rice. Read more

COMMENT (0) | environment, racism, Sexy Vegan
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