Change Your Diet, Change Your Life: The Rantings of a Former Fat Man
By Tim Kaufman
Walking out of the doctor’s office, reality had finally sunk in. I was not going to be around for another year. My wife and kids would very likely not have a husband or father within the year. My blood pressure was 255/115, I was on three medications to bring it down. My cholesterol (300) and triglycerides (279) were off the charts (literally). I was on a ton of heavy medications, I was also self-medicating, and I struggled with addictions of all kinds. My weight became so out of control that the doctor could no longer weigh me in his office. I was having trouble breathing and had severe sleep apnea. I was born with a genetic disorder called Elhers Danlos Syndrome and my joints are very loose and hyper mobile. The excess weight was too much for my already destroyed joints to handle.I was constantly on crutches, canes, and immobilizers. I was cast and fitted for very expensive leg braces that would stop my legs from buckling. My wife was actually putting my socks and shoes on me in the morning. Nothing was working and my life was spiraling out of control. I was going to die and I don’t know if I really cared. Read more
Eating: It’s Not What You Do, It’s Who You Are
By Laurie Cossar
I met an old friend of mine last week in the parking lot of our local grocery store. I almost passed him by as I didn’t recognize him immediately. He had lost a lot of weight since I had last seen him. He mentioned that he had undergone gastric bypass surgery nine months earlier. I had known of his constant battle with his weight and the impact it was having on his health. I remarked that he must be feeling better. He said that while he was lighter, he was till prone to strong cravings and despite the weight loss he wasn’t any happier. Nothing had changed to improve the underlying discontent with his life.
Happiness was elusive and he was still chasing it.
Is your life still a mess despite your best intentions?
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Let’s get healthy today with “Sexy Vegan” Radio!
By Racine Hiet
“Sexy Vegan” Radio is thrilled to bring you great interviews and independent music–today’s feature is Nellie Mckay.
Along with my three special guests: Chef AJ, who tells us some Truths about how we currently live, Marie Oser, who gives us an eye-opening look at the Truth about soy. And Antoine Jolicoeur Desroches, a vegan triathlete from Québec!
Meanwhile, our Audible Kitchen will make vegan pâté today.
So, let’s get healthy, while we honour all living beings, human and non-human animals alike.
The Audible Kitchen Recipe:
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